Skylab 4 Earth View of atmospheric wave patterns by effect of island on wind currents

Podcast Double Header

Small update for folks: two podcasts I’ve done are now live!

First off, a great conversation with Rachel Donald at PLANET CRITICAL on the small things and minor gestures!

“Where does your body end?

The human body is filled with ecosystems of creatures keeping us alive. It exists within larger ecosystems keeping us alive. Yet considering ourselves as separate and apart, as whole and contained, dismisses the reality of our interconnection. What keeps us alive is everything, from the smallest things to the large web of life. Our very existence is an entanglement of possibility. To understand it, we have to figure out a way to think together, with our bodies, and the earth’s body.

Craig Slee is a writer and theorist, and he joins me to discuss the permeability of our bodies and therefore of reality itself. This is a conversation about capitalism, ableism, suffering and language, how to find the words from our throats, and how to feel into the very edges of who we are, who we could be, and where, together, we can do.

Then we have me returning to RENDERING UNCONSCIOUS with Dr. Vanessa Sinclair for episode 330RU330: CRAIG VI SLEE ON CRIPKULT, COVID, ABLEISM, ANTI-NORMATIVITY, MAGIC, OCCULTURE

It’s always fun to talk with folks about this stuff, and I think we cover some important stuff in these two conversations, but that may just be me!

EDIT: I can’t believe I did this, but I forgot that the journal article I wrote with Martin Calnan & Loes Damhof went live this week in the academic journal JOURNAL OF FUTURES STUDIES: Dis/abling Futures: What Ableism Stops Us Noticing

Shot from below looking into the sky, through a hole we see a complex network of entangled bamboo growing together

The Wisdom of No Escape

NOTE: I wrote this for a guest issue of a pretty well known international fashion/alternative magazine in 2023. A good friend who was asked, nay, solicited, to write an article by them, tapped me to...

A traditional Cornish Jack-O-Lanterm made from a turnip. It has carved teeth and empty eyes

Hallow’s Doings

OK, so I’m writing this on the 5th of November, and Hallowtide has mostly ended, but still — there’s a chill in the air (finally). Tonight, no doubt there’ll be fireworks...

Podcasts and Poetry

So, belatedly I realised I hadn’t mentioned that my Episode on the The End of Tourism Podcast had gone live, so — tada! Entitled We Will Dance With Stillness, Chris and I discuss...

On Howling and Dread

Grief is not bad, nor is the mourning wail something that should be proscribed. The very fact that we are encouraged to grieve, but only to a “socially acceptable” level, lest we...

The Nest of Snakes

So:What if I told youThat the blind Might sense moreThan the sharpestEyes of Eagles? The deaf moreThan the keenestEar – Infinite Angels TopplingFrom their pins – dropping likeA cacophony...