Due to some circumstances beyond my control, there\’s no Bare Bones post this week. Fear not though, the extra time means that I can make next week;s even better. See you on Wednesday.
This is part 5 of a series. Here are Part 1 & Part 2 &Part 3 & Part 4 It’s Wednesday. Wodensdaeg. Mittwoch. Midweek. And I have a story to tell you, on this most in-between of the 7 days...
This is part 4 of a series. Here are Part 1 & Part 2 &Part 3 Last week I promised I’d teach you how to pull a rabbit out of a hat, and I will, but first, here’s a question: Are we having fun...
This is part 3 of a series. Here are Part 1 & Part 2 How many of you tried out last week’s exercise, I wonder? How many of you really played around with the embodied sense of emotion, as I...