At a dinner party, there are many dishes and many guests. Conversation flows, along with the drinks, and relationships are formed and re-fomed. This is the metaphor you need to keep in mind for this...
This blog isn\’t dead, y\’know? Neither am I – just missing half a foot, expertly removed by a team of surgeons led by a South Asian-extracted flesh-wizard whose last name...
The Greek word pistis is not at all what we understand by believing; it means the loyalty to the fact of the experience. – Carl Jung Pistis is also translated as faith, which is in the sense of...
This is probably going to get me a lot of trouble, and probably get me lumped in with the so-called “Piety Posse”of polytheists and magical types who I often violently disagree with, but I need to...
This came to my attention earlier, on this scorching hot day in Albion. So as my first faltering steps towards Occult Uncle (Agony)[note]Other occult Uncles include Uncle Al(eister) Uncle Ken(neth)...
One flower for each person who died within 6 weeks of ATOS finding them fit to work. Photo by #WheelchairAccessible — Tamsin Rosewell folk (@autumnrosewell) July 12, 2016...
I voted Remain in the UK\’s EU Referendum. Let\’s get that straight, from the beginning. Let\’s get it it straight from the beginning, because it\’s the only thing about me...
In a country that’s dealing with an MP and mother of two being shot and stabbed to death by a man in the street in broad daylight. A man who, according to some witnesses, shouted “Britain First”...
Let me share with you a vision: A man lies in his bed, unable to move for pain. It consumes his consciousness, snaring thought and perception, cutting into awareness like a barbed wire noose. Like an...
So. There I am, minding my own business, lying in my sickbed, surfing the painkiller tides, on Wednesday. And what happens? I see Gordon post about Kingliness and Jupiter, and fall into reading a...